Filling Bowls at Kublai Khan's

 I love eating at Kublai Khan's especially after an intense workout.  Eating there is one of the best ways to recover all the energy that I expend while working out.   I was really happy to know that the top Mongolian-themed restaurant in Cebu was one of the major sponsors of the first anniversary of the Cebu Blogging Community. And because I am a big fan of their rice bowls, I easily won an eat and drink all you can gift certificate from Kublai Khan's and you could probably win one too (details later).

Kublai Khan's Mongolian Eat-All-You-Can Gift certificate
A Kublai Khan gift certificate is worth over Php 300.  The certificate entitles the bearer to an unlimited serving of their make-your-own Mongolian Bowls. One big bowl can probably give an average Cebuano a massive dose of busog, but if you have an appetite like Kublai Khan then probably you can finish 5 bowls and never eat again in the next 2 days. 

Another great way to have an enjoyable lunch or dinner at Kublai Khan's would be their Check-A-Bowl.  At 140 pesos, you can design your own Mongolian bowl with your select ingredients. With the Check-A-Bowl, you do not even have to fill your own bowl as the friendly Kublai Khan staff will do it for you.  If you become so adept with making your own favorite check-a-bowl then you can probably win a check-a-bowl gift certificate from Kubla Khan's.  Winning a FREE meal in 3 easy steps:

1. Take a selfie with your Check-a-Bowl cooked recipe and KK's CHECK-A-BOWL checklist sheet.
2. Share your photo either on FACEBOOK, Instagram or Twitter with your recipe as a status and tag #eatallyoukhan.
3. Nominate by tagging a friend to take the challenge and ask to do the same as you did in step 1. The check-a-bowl recipe of the nominee must be different from the challenger.

Like Kublai Khan in Facebook to get more details:                   

The picture below is an example of an entry: 
Kublai Khan's Mongolian Eat-All-You-Can, Check-a-bowl

Kublai Khan's Mongolian Eat-All-You-Can, Check-a-bowl #eatallyoukhan
If you are also looking for a filling meal for less than 100 pesos, you can order Kublai Khan's Warrior Bowls at 95 pesos, KK Toppings (Rice) at 90 pesos or the noodle soups at 75 pesos only.
Kublai Khan's Mongolian Eat-All-You-Can, Check-a-bowl

Kublai Khan's Mongolian Eat-All-You-Can, Check-a-bowl

I will probably be eating at a Kublai Khan's Mongolian Restaurant soon and I hope to see you there.

How many bowls can you finish at Kublai Khan's? Comment and let us know how "Mongolian" you are when it comes to eating.


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