7-2-2015 Food of the Day: Leche Flan

Leche Flan from Meximama
One of my favorite local desserts is the Leche Flan. It was love at firs taste when I first had Leche Flan back when I was a little boy.  My mom is an expert in making this enjoyable dessert.  This is an easy dessert to make, but it takes some time to master.  Leche Flan is made of sugar, egg yolks, evaporated milk and condensed milk. It is sweet, creamy, and addictive. 

Here is a link to a  good Leche Flan Recipe from Food.com: http://www.food.com/recipe/special-leche-flan-275014

Do you love Leche Flan too? What are your childhood dessert favorites?


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