Pizza Week at Kalami Cebu

Dear Kalami Cebu readers,

I was not able to write much last month due to some family commitments.  I had a lot of visitors in August so I was spending more time driving people around.  The good thing about having visitors was that I was able to gather a lot of content to write about.  I have been to several Pizza places lately and I have hundreds of MBs worth of Pizza pictures. To become more productive this month, I divided some of backlogs and schedule similar restaurants on the same week. So to start off this practice, I will make this week as Pizza Week.

Pizza Week will about the popular Italian invention that puts cheese, meat, veggies, spices, and fruits on top of a round flat bread. Pizza has been one of my favorite snacks ever.  I love pizza even the cheap ones. I used to consider the Pizza segment as boring and mature.  I felt that there was no more innovation in the segment and it is dominated by the big players like Shakeys, Pizza Hut, and Greenwich.  The last innovation I think was with Pizza Republic where customers can design their own pizza. After Pizza Republic, there were no major movements in local pizza scene. 

In the past few weeks, I was able to visit several pizzerias and see what they are up to. This week, I will feature some of the good pizza places in the city that I have not featured here at Kalami Cebu. I will also give updates about new stores and new branches that has opened recently. 

I hope you will enjoy Pizza Week! Please feel free to comment and suggest places for me to visit.

Regards and Happy Eating,

Caloy Olano
Kalami Cebu 
Chief Blogger 


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