Pizza Invention time at Pizza Republic by Giuseppe Genco

Pizza Republic by Guissepe Genco opened recently in Salinas Drive, Lahug.  What is so unique about this new pizza place is that you will be able to design your own pizza.  They have countless of toppings to choose from and the possibilities are infinite.

Making your own pizza at Pizza Republic by Giuseppe Genco

What I Like at Pizza Republic:

The idea itself of making your own pizza appeals to me.  If you love to cook, but you do not have the equipment or you cannot afford the ingredients, this place is the best place to experiment and improve your pizza invention skills. If you are also bored of the classic pizza flavors that others are offering, Pizza Republic is the place for you.  You can have as many toppings as you can and it will come with your favorite sauce, cheese, and oil.

The place is located on a major road so it is very hard to miss this pizza place.  You can easily get there via jeepney, taxi, Grab/Uber, or even walking if you work let’s say in I.T. Park.

What I Do not Like:

One pizza is at 249 pesos.  The size is not so big compared to the other places.

They do not have a specialty.  Since the customers are the ones who have a final say on their pizza, they do not have a “go-to” pizza. There are people who go there not knowing what to order.  Although they have pizza suggestions, there are some customers who do not like to be in control.

Pizza Republic Cebu

Who will love this place:

Pizza fanatics.  This place is for those who love pizza and love to experiment.  You have to come here at least once to see if you can recreate your old favorite pizza or invent a new favorite.  Bring a smartphone and show if off to the world.

Aspiring chefs. If you have some crazy ideas on how a pizza should be then head to this place and create your masterpiece.  After months of experimenting at Pizza Republic, you can probably become their competitor in a year’s time.

Pizza Republic by Giuseppe Genco

Who should avoid this place:

Rice lovers. There are so many Cebuanos who love rice over bread.  If you are that type that craves rice meals to get full then cross the street and just head to Mang Inasal, Golden Cowrie, or Chika-an which are just meters away from this place.

Dieters. Well, pizza is so rich in calories and sodium.  If you want to spend 249 on pizza made with lettuce, basil, onions, and veggies, I will not stop you, though. ;)

Pizza Republic by Giuseppe Genco

What I can recommend at Pizza Republic:

Make your own version of Meat Lovers Pizza. There is a bounty of choices when it comes to meat.  There are countless of sausages, cold cuts, ham, pepperoni, and ground meat to put on your pizza. Do not be shy.  It’s a nice place to protein load.

Order pizza for take-out and give it to a friend.  You can actually claim a sort of ownership with the pizzas you designed at Pizza Republic. You can invent your "special" Hawaiian Pizza with toppings of your choice and with different types of cheese.  It’ll be fun and you can even name your creation.

What pizza did you make? Post in Instagram and put hashtag #kalamicebu . ;)

Pizza Republic Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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