Go Go Tokyo!: 5 Things Foodtrepreneurs can learn from the Japanese Street Vendor in I.T. Park

Can you imagine a foreigner selling his own version of pongko-pongko in Cebu? Well, a video by GMANews is actually going viral because a Japanese man is selling affordable Tonkatsu sandwich and Japanese Rice Ball or Onigiri in the streets of I.T. Park in Cebu.

This very enterprising young man even used social media as a tool for marketing his unique food items. His Go Go Tokyo! Facebook page has over 5000 followers. Go Morita updates his FB Page everyday and he informs his potential customers if he can come or not. I think many of our small business owners should somehow learn from him.

Here is some good points that a small food enterprise owner can emulate from Go Go Tokyo's Go Morita:

1. Create a unique specialty - A store, restaurant, or stall should have something unique about it. Your store should have a specialty so that when someone asks what to order, you can recommend them something. You have to have a trademark dish or else you would not stand out.

2. Price it reasonably - Premium pricing could work in premium restaurants but stall owners should know that value for money is very important to many people specially in the middle class or lower middle class segments. At Go Go Tokyo, he has items  that are priced 60% less than its restaurant counterparts.

3.  Use Social Media - Everyone is probably connected in Facebook right now and you can use that to your advantage. You can always tell your "suki" to like your FB Page and they will gladly do it without too much convincing on your end. Your followers will grow by itself if you keep on making great food.  Your loyal customers are your best marketing weapons.  Other good social media venues are Instagram, Twitter, and Google Plus.

4. Engage your market - You have to make your page useful.  You have to communicate to your followers.  Tell them about your new things and they will respond. If they make comments, try as much possible to connect with them by giving them feedback as well.

5. Go viral! - One of the fastest way to fame is to be featured in national news or the have a video with thousands of hits and shares. There are also many people now who are into blogging and they can help you spread the word about your products. Be friendly and encourage people to take photos and videos. Who knows, one of them will create an amazing video or post about your place.

Everyone is now connected and social media allows people to market their goods at a fraction of the cost of organic marketing.  It takes a lot of effort though but the returns could be great. If you want some help in your social media campaigns, send me a question at calolano911@gmail.com .  These 5 tips can actually be applied to any small business enterprise. :)


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